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Why Arkansas Needs to Prioritize the Lives of Mothers and Children Over Symbolic Gestures

Updated: Aug 17

Republicans in the Arkansas legislature find building a monument to the unborn on the grounds of the Arkansas State Capitol more important than prioritizing the lives of mothers and children.

As an Arkansan, I cannot turn a blind eye to the stark reality that surrounds us—a reality marked by disturbing statistics and misplaced priorities that demand urgent attention.

The State of Arkansas: A Harsh Reality

Maternal and Infant Mortality Rate

Arkansas stands at the forefront of a distressing statistic—it holds the highest maternal/fetal death rate in the country. A state that is known for its vibrant communities and picturesque landscapes should not be shadowed by such unsettling figures. The lives of mothers and infants are precious, and it is imperative that we take immediate action to address this dire situation.


Poverty, Child Labor, and Hunger

Beyond the alarming maternal mortality rate, Arkansas faces other pressing issues. It grapples with the highest rates of poverty, child labor, and denied access to food for children. Children, the very essence of our future, are being deprived of their basic necessities—a travesty that should unite us in urgency and action.

Sexual Abuse and Crime

Moreover, the prevalence of sexual abuse of children and high crime rates casts a shadow over the safety and well-being of our communities. These harsh realities paint a somber picture of the challenges faced by the people of Arkansas every day.

Misplaced Priorities: Symbolic Gestures vs. Real Action

In the face of these critical issues, one cannot help but question the allocation of resources and attention. The focus on building monuments to aborted fetuses—a symbolic gesture—comes across as misplaced in a state plagued by real, urgent problems.

A Call to Action

It is time to shift our priorities towards what truly matters—the preservation of lives, the protection of our children, and the well-being of our mothers. We must prioritize initiatives that address poverty, improve healthcare access for children, and combat maternal mortality. Let us channel our energies and resources towards creating a brighter, safer future for all Arkansans.

Together, we can make a difference. We should stand united in our resolve to feed the children, provide them with healthcare, and safeguard the lives of our mothers. Arkansas deserves better, and it is within our collective power to bring about positive change.

Arkansas, it is time to rewrite our story—one that values lives over symbols, action over gestures, and unity over division.


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