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Why Arkansas Needs to Elect Democrats: Republicans Don't Care About Us

Writer's picture: JoJo

Updated: Nov 9, 2024

Arkansas Needs to Elect Democrats

As a resident of Arkansas, it's important to stay informed about the impact of political decisions on our state's future growth and development. Recently, with funding from the infrastructure package championed by President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, Arkansas is witnessing significant transformations, including the construction of a 14-mile extension of I-49. This extension boasts a new bridge over the majestic Arkansas River, four interchanges, additional grade separations, as well as local road improvements.

Arkansas Infrastructure Funding

In addition, Arkansas has been awarded several grants as part of the $1.8 billion from the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) discretionary grant program.

Searcy: Awarded $4,222,900 for the expansion of the Little Red Greenway, which will extend the current 5.5-mile bike trail by 15.5 miles, including planning and public input phases. The completed route will promote physical activity and community connectivity, offering a cost-effective transportation option.
Siloam Springs: Granted $11,556,363 for the Bridging Heritage initiative, a component of the city’s Main Street Revitalization project. The funds will support planning, engineering, and construction of street enhancements along E Main Street, from Maxwell to Lincoln streets, and include the replacement of the Sager Creek Bridge, leading to safer and more efficient traffic flow.
Crawford & Sebastian counties: Allocated $25,000,000 for the I-49 Extension, which involves constructing around 14 miles of a four-lane, divided, controlled-access highway, inclusive of a new bridge over the Arkansas River. This project aims to provide safer and more efficient access to local destinations upon completion.
Pine Bluff received over $500,000 in federal funds for the retrofitting of the downtown highway, while the Highway 5 widening plan is designed to enhance traffic flow on Interstate 30 in Bryant.

Arkansas Infrastructure Mississippi River I-55 Bridge

The anticipation of crossing the updated I-55 bridge over the Mississippi River, connecting Arkansas and Tennessee, is quite exciting. It's remarkable to see the positive outcomes of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, which will expand Arkansas' road system and bolster the economy. Biden-Harris Administration Invests Nearly $394 Million for the I-55 Bridge in Memphis, Tennessee and West Memphis, Arkansas.

However, based on everything Arkansas is getting from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, what's truly intriguing is the paradox that unfolds when you realize that every Republican Senator and Representative from Arkansas voted against the very bill that is now bringing immense infrastructure money into our state. Arkansas Democrat Gazette

It seems like a tale from fiction – our own Republican representatives opposing a bill that directly benefits us, only to turn around and boast about the improvements funded by that very bill. This irony begs the question: Do our Arkansas Republican representatives truly represent the best interests of their constituents in Washington D.C.?

Arkansas Infrastructure Better Served by Democrats

While some may find amusement in this disconnect between actions and words, it underlines a crucial point – the importance of aligning our votes with representatives who genuinely advocate for our needs and progress. This discrepancy in action and rhetoric highlights the pressing need for a change in leadership – leaders who will truly champion the interests of Arkansans on the national stage.

All 6 Arkansas Republicans Voted Against the Infrastructure Bill

Tom Cotton's statement after voting no was: “Arkansans support genuine infrastructure projects such as roads, bridges, waterways, rural broadband, and ongoing maintenance. They do not favor President Biden’s ‘social infrastructure’ and climate alarmism, particularly with the risk of rising inflation and higher taxes.” 

Cotton is obfuscating the issue to prevent Arkansans from realizing that the infrastructure bill indeed allocates funds for everything he mentioned. This appears to be mere political rhetoric and a failure to communicate the infrastructure bill's beneficial impacts. The recent data indicating that US inflation slowed to 2.9% in July 2024, the lowest rate since March 2021, contrasts with Cotton's apparent distrust in the American system due to his lack of foresight on inflation.

After voting no on the bill, John Boozman stated, "I'm disappointed that we couldn't find a fiscally responsible way to modernize and upgrade roads, bridges, water systems, and broadband deployment. Instead, we're opting to increase the financial burden on future American generations for current spending, while also setting the stage for a $4.2 trillion spree on liberal wish list items." 

Boozman employs false rhetoric to confuse Arkansans. It's disappointing that such statements are made when it's clear that the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill provides Arkansas with crucial financial support to enhance our roads, bridges, water systems, and broadband. Traveling across Arkansas, the infrastructure upgrades are evident. Indeed, even in my hometown of Russellville, the improvements are visible. If all this is a spree for a "liberal wish list" then I'm glad that it's happening. 

All four incumbent U.S. House Representatives from Arkansas are up for re-election. All of them voted no on the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, but they have also been misleading Arkansas voters about their initial refusal to support a bill. For instance, Steve Womack issued a statement on his website that is biased and condescending about the bill's passage. Read the statement. He also demonstrated a lack of vision and concern for progress in Arkansas.

Come the fall election in 2024, Arkansas voters find themselves at a critical juncture where they can steer the course of representation for their state. It's time to educate ourselves about our choices and realize the significance of electing individuals who prioritize the betterment of Arkansas above all else. The message is clear: if we desire true representation and continued access to vital infrastructure money, it's imperative that we reevaluate our political allegiances. We've given Republicans the power and for too long they have failed us.

Despite the opposition from current Arkansas lawmakers, the infrastructure funding flowing into our state stands as a tangible reminder of the positive impacts that can be achieved through collaborative effort and progressive policymaking. This is not merely about party politics; it's about securing a better future for us and the generations to come.

For Arkansas voters, the upcoming election holds the promise of reshaping the narrative and steering our state towards a future grounded in progress and inclusivity. Let's seize this opportunity to make our voices heard and elect Democratic representatives who will fight for Arkansas, ensuring that infrastructure funds continue to fuel our state's growth and prosperity.

Arkansans possess the power to vote out those who are deceiving them. A robust voter turnout is essential to elect genuine leaders who are dedicated to making a positive difference in Arkansas. Democrats in Congress, supported by some Republicans, spearheaded the effort to pass a bipartisan infrastructure bill. Arkansas Republicans voted against it!

Arkansans... you know what to do!


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