We have been hearing a lot about how the LGBTQ community is full of "groomers" trying to raise children to be just like us. The LGBTQ community is also constantly accused of being pedophiles by many people because of a misinterpretation of the Bible.
Even worse, people are trying to expand the term "groomers" to mean anybody with a progressive or liberal ideology. See Ben Shapiro's Tweet from yesterday below.

From Ben's point of view, Alene Bynum groomed me by sharing her liberal ideology in my high school civics class. The truth is, I was already a Democrat before having Alene in class and already knew I was a homosexual then too.
You have got to ask yourself why they are trying to tear apart our public education system with statements like this. I know why but will discuss that in another post. For now, all I need you to know is that I don't like being a political pawn. No gay man does, not Cody or any other gay person that I've ever had a conversation with likes it.
We also don't wish anybody the plight of being born into the LGBTQ+ community. Cody and I discuss this a lot and it amazes us how so many people say we choose this lifestyle. We do NOT choose to be gay. It was thrust upon us, and we refuse to lie about who we are. Why would I want to ruin a woman's life by being married to her and not being able to satisfy her emotional and physical needs?
Being gay is tough and we don't groom anyone. WE DON'T WISH THIS LIFE ON ANYONE.
We will stand up for what is right, though! What is right is NOT turning your back on a person because they are gay or lesbian or bisexual or trans or pan. We will embrace people with differences and be a sounding board for those struggling to come to terms with who they are!
Growing up, I witnessed gay men murdered for who they are. I was told I could be in the military, but I couldn't talk about who I was. I could not visit the love of my life in the hospital, and they wouldn't receive my possessions if I passed without a will.
America has come a long way in accepting the LGBTQ+ community and now has given us many rights that we should have always had. We should not have to pass legislation to be accepted or have the Supreme Court protect our rights. We deserve to be loved just like everyone else.

America still has a long way to go. Gay people are not "grooming" anyone. The LGBTQ+ community is helping those like us, so they don't have to have the same shitty childhoods that we did. Please quit using us as political pawns, so people will quit shooting up our safe spaces and bullying kids in school.
Please quit using God to condone hate. The Bible actually condemns a lack of hospitality, not homosexuality, but that's a whole other blog too.
I'm here, I'm queer but I don't wish this plight on anyone.
We sure ain't "grooming" anyone either. Please quit lying about us and shooting us for no good reason.
Love to all,
-King Ryan