Ok. This is more like a long-term commitment, but it is similar to volunteering.
According to this news report from THV 11, as of July, there are 4,502 foster kids in Arkansas and only 1,702 foster homes. That puts a strain on the Arkansas foster care system, so new foster families are needed immediately in the state.

Cody and I have contacted a few foster care agencies in Arkansas to become foster parents and as a gay couple, we used to get push back because the agencies in Arkansas are mostly faith-based. Since the U.S. Supreme Courts ruling allowing Cody and I to get married, Arkansas laws have changed and the state is open to a gay couple becoming foster parents now, but we have to go directly through the state. The last time that we applied, the process was interuppted because we took in Cody's niece and decided that was enough for now. Recently things have changed, so we are considering the process again.
To apply directly through the state, contact the Arkansas Division of Children and Family Services at 888-736-2820. you can find out what the requirements are here:
I know couples who have gone from foster parents to adopting the children and making a family for themselves. I smile each time I see updates about their family on Facebook or happen to run into them on a Carnival Cruise. As you can see from the statistics above, there is a HUGE need for more foster parents in Arkansas.
Will you fill this need?
Wouldn't it be AMAZING to give a child or two a nurturing home that may not find one anywhere else?
King Ryan Radio hopes that you enjoyed this volunteer opportunity and will consider being a part of the Arkansas foster care system. With the recent U.S. Supreme Court overturning of Roe vs. Wade, this problem could possibly spiral out of control quickly.
Are you ready to step up and help?
Cody and I are!
If you have any additional questions about fostering, please email us at info@kingryanradio.net or message us at www.kingryandradio.net
Love to all!
-King Ryan