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The Sarah Sanders Legacy: A Tragic Comedy of Lies in Arkansas

Writer's picture: JoJo

In a land where political snoozefests are all the rage, Sarah Sanders has stormed into the Arkansas government like a bull in a china shop—if that bull also happened to be juggling flaming torches. Since 2022, she’s turned the state into a tragic comedy that could give veteran comedians a run for their money. With blockbuster hits like the Learns Act, prison reform, and FOIA legislation amendments, we’re witnessing a legacy of questionable choices that are thriving in the shadows, much like a raccoon at a midnight buffet.

Looking at Little Rock feels like watching a slapstick performance, with Sanders as the clumsy protagonist struggling through countless obstacles. Her past as a press secretary in Washington has equipped her with impressive skills in misdirection and distortion, but in Arkansas, those tactics are poorly executed.

Wide angle view of the Arkansas state building in despair
Image of the Arkansas state capitol building capturing neglect and disrepair.

The legacy that Sarah Sanders is creating is as unstable as a house of cards. The phrase “Arkansas suffers” takes on new meaning as we observe decisions being made behind closed doors, lacking accountability or rationale. According to a recent poll, over 60% of Arkansans express a lack of trust in her administration's commitment to transparency. This atmosphere of secrecy has sown distrust among citizens, who expect better than the dismissive tactics and disdain for public discourse that characterize her time in office.

One notable example is her administration’s approach to healthcare policy changes. Instead of open discussions, significant shifts have been made without consulting public health experts or community members. In 2022, the state cut funding for rural healthcare clinics by 25%, impacting thousands of residents who heavily rely on these services. Critics argue that the decision seems aligned with her father's autocratic, religious style of governance. Mike Huckabee, Sarah’s father, was known for controversial decisions, and now his daughter mirrors those practices without hesitation.

Eye-level view of an empty Arkansas street with faded 'Welcome' sign
Desolate street depicting the forsaken state of Arkansas under current leadership.

This leadership approach has tangible effects, influencing the everyday lives of Arkansas residents beyond theoretical criticisms. For example, because of the Learns Act education funding has seen significant cuts, with approximately $200 million redirected away from public schools in the past two years. Schools across the state face shortages of essential resources, and educators struggle to provide quality instruction amidst dwindling budgets. The prevailing attitude of “trust me, I know best” continues to widen existing divides in public education.

Arkansas school voucher money would be better spent on public schools. 
- Arkansas Advocate 

As residents grapple with these policies, the concept of “regnat populus” (meaning "the people reign") feels empty. With growing discontent, many are asking: Who truly benefits from Sarah Sanders’ tenure? In a landscape where phrases like “Sarah Sanders is a liar” echo through community discussions, it remains unclear what her long-term goals may be.

In 2024, after a small army of volunteers gathered a whopping 102,000+ signatures to get the Arkansas Abortion Amendment on the 2025 ballot, Sanders and her sidekick, Secretary of State John Thurston, swooped in and gave it the boot. When the Arkansas Supreme Court backed their decision, Sanders practically broke into a Twitter jig, bragging about appointing justices who'd shut down any abortion amendment faster than you can say "regnat populus." It was a clear display of her playing favorites and tossing the state's motto out the window. 

It's quite revealing when liberals in Arkansas feel nostalgic about Asa Hutchinson, the previous Republican Governor. Though these liberals disagreed with many of his policies, his moderate governance and bipartisan approach focused on practical solutions for issues like education, healthcare, and economic development. His steady leadership was valued across party lines. Today, the political scene feels chaotic, with concerns that moderate voices are being overshadowed by the radical tones of Sanders, raising questions about the future of centrist governance in Arkansas.

While dark humor might provide a temporary escape, it fails to capture the seriousness of issues like health, education, and public welfare. The decisions coming from her administration resemble a string of bad jokes, leaving many Arkansans sitting in disbelief rather than laughter.

The animosity toward Sanders stems not from a fondness for political theatrics but from genuine demands for accountability. The people of Arkansas have endured her series of evasive justifications, revealing more about her governance than any of her policy initiatives. Even the quips exchanged during her public appearances carry an undertone of disappointment, reflecting a profound sense of betrayal.

Voters are left with a troubling question: What comes next? There is a lingering worry that Sanders’ principles may have lasting effects on the state and its governance. History shows that political jokes often morph into harsh realities. As her policies take shape, the values that make Arkansas a desirable home—like community, accountability, and trust—continue to unravel.

In an Oct 2023 poll, Sanders snagged a 48% approval rating, setting a new low for Arkansas governors in the past 20 years—congrats on breaking records! In the grand Olympic event of popularity nosedives among the nine governors elected in 2022, Sanders is proudly taking home the gold with a spectacular 13-point swan dive in her net approval rating. - Poll 2024.

As America observes the unfolding drama of political leadership in states like Arkansas, the laughter of comedians persists in the backdrop of power. What remains to be seen is whether authentic leaders will emerge to reclaim the narrative, stepping away from the shadows that Sanders has cast.

Ultimately, the grim reality of how “Arkansas suffers” under Sarah Sanders’ governance is countered by a glimmer of hope. Arkansans will fight and perhaps, one day, new voices will rise above the chaos, steering us toward a future where civility and respect in politics return to their rightful place. Until then, this unfortunate dark comedy will play out in full view, a testament to the challenges facing the state.


Take note that many Arkansans are fully on board with the Sanders movement, especially those who resonate with her political agenda. They don't mind her fibbing or chaos one bit—in fact, they find her daring moves as refreshing as a cold glass of sweet tea on a scorching day, perfectly in sync with their own values and goals. This lively bunch is all revved up to cheer her on, urging her to throw a wrench in those liberal ideas they’re not too fond of. They celebrate her victories as if they were touchdowns for their team and engage in discussions and events with the excitement of a puppy in a room full of chew toys. Her supporters see her as a fearless leader, ready to confront any opposition like a professional wrestler, waving her actions as a symbol of their shared beliefs and a rallying cry for Arkansas' future.


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