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Somewhere In Arkansas: Pro-Choice Advocates Are Speaking Out

Updated: Jul 31, 2023

In the small town of "Somewhere In Arkansas," a hushed silence surrounded the topic of pro-choice rights. Deeply rooted in tradition and conservative values, the community had always been wary of openly discussing such matters. And why wouldn't they be? The consequences of speaking up were daunting, to say the least.

Abortion Is Essential Healthcare

Whenever a brave soul dared to post their views on social media, a storm of backlash would inevitably follow. The comment section became a battlefield, with words like "murder" and "baby killers" being thrown around like daggers. It seemed as though the mere mention of reproductive healthcare choices sent shock waves through the town, leaving no room for discussion or understanding.

But amidst the chaos, there were those who refused to be silenced. Pro-choice advocates, armed with their unwavering beliefs and a desire for change, stood tall. They knew that their voices mattered and that their advocacy could make a difference. They understood that the path they were treading was treacherous, but they were unafraid.

With each comment and post, they dismantled the barriers that had trapped "Somewhere In Arkansas" in a suffocating silence. Their assertiveness and confidence sparked curiosity in others who had long been hesitant to speak up. Slowly but surely, a conversation began to form, breaking the chains of judgment and intolerance.

The once deafening echo of "murder" started to fade as pro-choice supporters found their allies. They realized that they were not alone, that there were others who shared their beliefs and were ready to stand beside them. Together, they formed a formidable force that could not be ignored.

As the movement gained momentum, whispers of change swirled through the streets of "Somewhere In Arkansas." People who had previously turned a blind eye to reproductive rights were now forced to confront their own beliefs and biases. The conversation was no longer something to shy away from; it was something that demanded attention.

And so, the pro-choice advocates continued to advocate. Their words were carefully crafted, and their arguments were persuasive and compelling. They refused to let the fear of backlash deter them because they knew that keeping quiet only perpetuated the cycle of ignorance and intolerance.

As the story comes to an end, the reader is left wondering about the future of "Somewhere In Arkansas." Will the town fully embrace open discussions about pro-choice rights? Or will the whisperings die down, returning the community to its perennial silence? The answer remains unknown, shrouded in the uncertainty of progress and change.

But one thing is certain – the assertiveness and confidence of those pro-choice advocates have left an indelible mark on the town. Their unwavering determination has ignited a flame, one that has the power to shape the future, to challenge the status quo.

So, if you're pro-choice, don't let the naysayers stop you. Keep advocating for abortion rights. Keep talking. For it is through conversation that understanding is born, and with understanding comes the opportunity for transformation. And perhaps, just perhaps, "Somewhere In Arkansas" will one day be known for more than its silence.


As Arkansans, it can be difficult to openly talk about our views on reproductive rights. Those of us who are pro-choice know what happens if we make a social post regarding a woman's right to make her own reproductive healthcare choices, especially on Facebook. Invariably, someone will jump into the conversation yelling "Abortion is murder" or "You support murdering babies."  Those statements don't allow discussion of views. They scream at you "We're not going to listen to you baby murderers." 

No one should ever feel ashamed or scared to speak up for themselves and their rights. That's why I write blogs about a woman's right to choose and share them to help others not be afraid to speak up. Together, we can make a real difference.

Find out what you can do...

We’re Fighting Back. Will You Join Us? -NARAL
About the ACLU Reproductive Freedom Project -ACLU
Keep Your Laws Off Our Bodies. -ACLU Arkansas

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King Ryan
King Ryan
Aug 03, 2023

Why is no one trying to create a ballot initiative in Arkansas to put reproductive rights on the ballot? Talk only moves an person so far, action is what gets them over the line. Some brave soul needs to begin the process of putting abortion on the Arkansas ballot.

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