I really don't know where to start. I've had a full, blessed life and want everyone to experience life to it's fullest. I love my family and all the people around me. I wish success for everyone and know the world has enough resources for everyone to have a full, free life.
I don't remember being King of my daycare, but there is a photo to prove it.

It doesn't look like I was too happy about it though. It's probably because I had to share with a girl. I definitely did not share well as a kid, but things change and people grow. Hopefully, I do better now.
Most of my memories growing up are of baseball, basketball, and soccer. I loved sports. My whole family did! My mom and sister were better athletes than me, but I could beat my dad in basketball as early as 12.
Dad taught me different things like fishing, hunting, and enjoying the great outdoors. There is a special spot in this world where dad and I went when I was growing up, and we caught massive bass because nobody else knew where or when to go. We let my cousin Larry in on that secret and I'm sure my cousin Adam knows where it is too. I will take that secret to my grave though.

The picture above is where dad taught me those things.
My mom taught me different stuff. She was a science teacher and coach, so teaching came to her naturally. I learned and can still recite the ATP/ADP cycle in the mitochondria of the cell. Having my mom as a teacher also helped me get away with being a brat in school. I never cared for school much only going to see my friends and playing sports. My grades were always A's and B's though. That kind of structure just wasn't my thing.
I was a normal kid for the most part and very happy until about 22 years of age. It was shortly after my grandfather died that I went into a dark place for a while. I'm a gay man, but I definitely would not let my super macho, manly man grandad know that. Me being in the closet for the first 22 years of my life caused me to be emotionally broken for about a decade.
You can read about that darkness in my other blog 'Alcohol is not the answer, love is!' That story is part of who I AM, but it's also my past and a place I try not to reflect on too much. I just take those lessons and use them for good now. We do recover, and I'll gladly tell you how I did if it helps you too. The picture below is my current philosophy that I found on the Positive Corners Facebook page.

Now, I am happily married to Cody Adams and work as a business development representative at the Better Business Bureau serving Arkansas. I still go by Ryan H Adams because while in school there was also a Ryan David Adams. I am Ryan Heath Adams, and in school was referred to as the good Ryan. They just thought they knew me.

Cody and I love to go on cruises and have been on 5 Carnival cruises and have 2 more scheduled this year. My emotions are in check because I have grown to love myself for who I am and have learned to love others too. Being in a relationship with Cody for the last decade has taught me a lot about myself and has helped me figure out my purpose in life. I'm beyond blessed and want everyone to be happy with who they are and accepted in the community where they live.
That's my vision for King Ryan Radio. What King Ryan Radio wants to see is a WORLD where everyone can freely meet their full potential to be the person they were born to be! I hope the blogs and website are helping to achieve that goal. Even if they don't, I've enjoyed getting to share with everyone Who I AM and how I got here.
This has been the short version of my life. I've experienced a full life even at 44, but am looking forward to many more adventures and hoping to help as many people as I can along the way. I read somewhere once that if you want a billion dollars, help a billion people. I'd take the billion dollars and give most of it away at this point in my life. But man it would be cool to help a billion people, wouldn't it?
Please help me help a billion people, please consider sharing your story here at www.kingryanradio.net so you can be part of helping a billion people too! The goal may seem lofty but part of Who I AM is being a dreamer. Let's help each other by sharing our stories right here at King Ryan Radio!
Also, as I'm writing this I cannot help but hear Mister Rogers say, "Won't you be my neighbor?" in my head. That leads me to our first big project here at King Ryan Radio called the #NeighborProject More info on that can be found here: https://www.kingryanradio.net/post/king-ryan-radio-s-neighborproject
Until next time!
Ryan H Adams is Who I AM