I honestly don't know if my friends live from paycheck to paycheck, because it's not a topic of conversation usually brought up among us. I do know that most people like me have felt the pain at the pump, and rising prices, especially with food, have a lot of people stretching to make ends meet. Oh yeah and there is a baby formula shortage too. Lots of concerns currently exist with Americans finances. My hope is that the King Ryan Radio Community can come together and change what we are currently seeing in society. We are told that their are enough resources to support Earth's current population without anyone going hungry. The UN put this article out in 2019 determining that we do have the resources, but people in certain areas are still suffering. https://news.un.org/en/story/2019/10/1048452
In recent years, we have seen an uptick in hunger in America's own backyard which has sprouted organizations like River Valley Food 4 Kids whose only purpose is to alleviate child hunger in the Arkansas River Valley. Right now, they are serving more meals than ever since their inception in 2014 a currently have served over 100,000 meals his summer with only 3 weeks left to go. I believe it's because American's are currently worried about what their future holds.
Is food insecurity in America due to the varying economic ideologies, and the divide between the have's and have not's? Or is it simply a supply chain issue due to breakdowns in the world economy brought on by Russia's invasion of Ukraine? Please share your thoughts below.