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God Loves the Gays

Writer's picture: RyanRyan

Updated: Aug 25, 2024

Yes, you read that right. GOD LOVES THE GAYS. God loves everyone, but the definition of love varies widely in today's society. There are Christian groups who rally at our funerals and are thankful another one of us is in hell, while other groups, now including the Pope help lift us up as people. I've put much thought into what I want to say here. Initially, I wanted to point out all the holes in the Bible when it comes to demonizing homosexuality. While researching the subject, I found a couple of arguments about why the Bible is wrong or misinterpreted about God and gays. The bullets in the gun argument and the misinterpretation argument. Both arguments overlap.

1st argument: There are 6 major verses used to condemn homosexuality. Like 6 Bullets in a gun:

Genesis 19:5

Leviticus 18:22 & 20:13

Romans 1:26–27

1 Corinthians 6:9–11 &

1 Timothy 1:9–10

I found these verses referred to as six bullets in a gun while reading this article "" about what the Bible really means in regards to homosexuality. The article also explains each verse and what God really condemned within each of them. Generally Greed, Lust, and Power. Pretty much the 7 deadly sins which don't include homosexuality. I urge you to read the above-mentioned article for a better understanding of where I am coming from. Even Jesus never mentioned homosexuality which all but renders the Old Testament verses obsolete.

I have also heard that the original Aramaic was mistranslated in Genesis 19:15 and the word meant hospitality in this situation, not homosexuality. Lea Brown spoke a sermon on it while pastoring at Miami found here: That sermon restored my salvation after years of wandering hopelessly thinking I am condemned to Hell for my sexuality. My husband Cody showed it to me when we reconnected almost a decade ago. Our life together in Christ is another story I will tell soon, but for now, I want to continue letting everyone know that God absolutely LOVES THE GAYS!

The 2nd Argument: The word homosexual did not appear in the American Bible until 1946 and wasn't even in the German Bible until the 1980s. This argument correlates with Leah Brown's Sermon about the mistranslation of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. It's also interesting that when those changes were made, a lot of political strife was happening at the time, especially in regard to gay men. There is actually a new documentary out called 1946 that explains this in better detail than I ever could. More information on 1946 can be seen here:

What I see outside of both arguments is that God LOVES EVERYONE, so without a doubt, GOD LOVES THE GAYS. Jesus never condemned homosexuality. And Jesus was God on Earth, right? Since Jesus is God and Jesus said the following six things about love:

Love is the most important commandment. Mark 12:28-34

Love is our trademark. John 13:34b-35

Love is full of mercy. Luke 10:25-37

Love doesn't get better than this. John 15:9-17

Love is even for our enemies. Matthew 5:43-48 &

Love unifies us with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit John 14:15-21

We know without a doubt GOD LOVES THE GAYS. Because he loves everyone. All God wants is a relationship with those He created. He sent Jesus to restore that relationship as the sacrifice for our sins. The sins of condemning homosexuals without knowing them, and my sins of hating MAGA republicans without trying to understand or get to know them either.

Part of the reason that I created King Ryan Radio is that I believe Jesus is the King of Kings. I believe Jesus was here as a representative for the poor, downtrodden, and less fortunate on this Earth and was sent to restore them to Glory. Jesus came to create equity and equality on this Earth by empowering individuals to speak out for those who cannot do so for themselves. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog about why GOD LOVES THE GAYS.

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I referenced the 6 things found above Jesus said about love from this article:


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