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The People Have Spoken: Low Approval for Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Writer's picture: JoJo

Updated: Dec 3, 2024

Sarah Huckabee Sanders's time in Arkansas has been met with widespread disapproval and concerns over her behavior and actions. In this article, we will delve into the controversies surrounding Sanders, from her role in covering up questionable spending to her divisive rhetoric and questionable ethics—strap in as we unveil the truth about Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her troubling legacy.


This year's Arkansas political poll sheds light on her "un" popularity. Her approval ranking is 48% the lowest for any governor in the past 25 years.


2023 approval ratings Sarah Sanders

What has caused such a low approval rating? Let's talk.

sarah sanders lectern

1st, her involvement in a potential cover-up. Did Sanders really spend a staggering $19,000 on a lectern that has yet to be seen or accounted for? Or was this an attempt to cover up an expensive trip to Paris with friends? Sanders has been dodging questions from journalists and citizens and flippantly waving them off as unimportant. Several people filed FOI requests for documents about the lectern and as soon as they did, the GOP state legislature tried to stop them by immediately changing Arkansas FOI laws.

It's deeply troubling that Sarah Huckabee Sanders, AG Tim Griffin, and the GOP state legislature resorted to changing Arkansas's FOI laws. Instead of being open and transparent with the public, they worked to cover up the purchase of the lectern and block access to important documents. This is unacceptable, and we must hold our elected officials accountable for their actions.

2nd, Sanders has a long history of using her religious beliefs as a political weapon. She has repeatedly invoked her faith to justify her actions and to appeal to her conservative base and gain support. By weaponizing religion, Sanders undermines the true spirit of faith and manipulates it for her own political agenda. This tactic not only divides people but also erodes the separation between church and state that is fundamental to our democracy.


She has made clear time and again that her goal as governor is to advance Christianity and preference Christians. Gov. Sanders is a Christian nationalist troll.


3rd, one cannot discuss Sarah Huckabee Sanders without mentioning her constant anger and hostility. Whether it's during press briefings or public appearances, Sanders always seems to be seething with rage. This perpetual anger raises concerns about her temperament and ability to effectively govern. A leader should inspire calm and unity, not perpetuate a culture of aggression and hostility. Sanders' anger-driven approach to politics is not only counterproductive but also undermines the democratic principles of our country.

4th, in addition to her questionable behavior, Sarah Huckabee Sanders has also been criticized for her fashion choices. Many have commented on her lack of style and taste, which further adds to her image problem. However, it is her alleged grifting that is most concerning. There have been reports of Sanders using the Learns Act to funnel money to the rich. This exploitation of a well-intentioned program for personal gain is deeply troubling and raises serious ethical questions about Sanders' character and integrity.

we the people means all the people

5th, Sanders has shown a penchant for divisive rhetoric and name-calling. She has referred to her constituents who disagree with her as "crazies," dismissing their concerns and undermining their right to have a different opinion. This kind of dismissive language only serves to further polarize the political landscape and stifles meaningful dialogue. A leader should strive to unite people, not drive them apart through derogatory and disrespectful language. She doesn't seem to have the ability to do that.


“The choice is no longer between right or left,” declared Sanders. “The choice is between normal and crazy.” Huffpost 8 Feb 2023


6th, Sanders has often relied on her white Christian nationalism to rally support and advance her political agenda. However, this type of nationalism can have dangerous consequences. It leads to exclusionary policies, discrimination against minority groups, and the erosion of democratic values. By weaponizing her white Christian identity, Sanders not only alienates those who do not share her beliefs but also perpetuates a divisive and harmful ideology.

7th is her tendency to ban certain words and suppress dissent. By censoring language and limiting free expression, she undermines the principles of democracy and stifles open debate. A leader should encourage dialogue and respect diverse perspectives, not enforce a culture of silence and conformity. Sanders' attempts to control the narrative and silence opposition are deeply concerning and undermine the democratic foundations of our society.


The group called the move by the governor "divisive" and said that the executive order aims to "erase" the identities of transgender, non-binary, and other marginalized communities in Arkansas. - KTHV11


In light of these troubling revelations, it is crucial that the people of Arkansas hold Sarah Huckabee Sanders accountable for her actions. As citizens, we must demand transparency, ethical conduct, and a commitment to the well-being of all constituents. It is our responsibility to question our leaders, challenge their decisions, and ensure that they are acting in the best interests of the people they serve.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders may have become governor, but controversies and questionable actions mar her legacy. From a potential cover-up to weaponizing religion, her behavior raises serious concerns about her suitability as a leader. The people of Arkansas deserve better – leaders who prioritize transparency, ethics, and unity. It is up to us to uncover the truth, hold our elected officials accountable, and demand a government that truly represents the interests of the people.

Note: The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publication or its affiliates.


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