On July 10th, I started noticing how my weight affects my everyday life. I could not move as freely as I did and was short of breath after the smallest of chores. I reached 250 lbs and was still gaining. Each time I stepped on the scales an alarm was blaring in my head similar to the ones you hear right before an apocalyptic event happens in the movies.
You know, this alarm here: https://youtu.be/5LCvj6Z_LrA
Before I started losing weight I think the final number was 256. I KNEW SOMETHING HAD TO CHANGE!
I began making small changes like walking daily while drinking less soda and more water. I also began eating an apple a day to alleviate some stomach issues as well as replace candy as a snack.
I do not crave candy, but Cody does. I did participate in eating it, though. I could take it or leave it if it's not at our house, but Cody would go on a Dollar General run and buy half a dozen different bags of candy at a time. I went with him most of the time and am taking accountability for those actions. The last candy run combo was Sour Patch Kids, Twizzlers, Nerds gummies, Starburst ropes, and two different types of Hershey Kisses. This time around, I refrained from eating a whole bag of something after opening them. I always let Cody hold the candy and told him to hide it because I eat a lot at night and will sleep-eat an entire bag of gummy bears if they are next to me. Unfortunately, while giving in to the candy cravings, I became pre-diabetic. That scares me and that fear has kept me from eating candy or cake since.
After these small changes (replacing soda with water, substituting fruit as a snack, walking daily) and changing my depression medication, I lost around 20 pounds. My problem now is that I have been at around 236 for a month and need to lose 50 more pounds. I still have massive cravings at night and sleep-eat a lot, so my next changes are going to be focused on no longer eating after bedtime. I haven't been a breakfast person in years, so I really need to start focusing on that. I also do not eat at regular intervals throughout the day which is one of the reasons why I crave food so much at night.
My plan to quit night eating is simple. I plan to create a healthy routine. Going forward, I will eat breakfast daily. I will also eat lunch and dinner at regular intervals. Several healthy snacks will be added throughout the day, especially before bedtime. A lot of success in life can be attributed to healthy habits. I am 20 lbs down sitting on the 50 yard line. To get down to 180 lbs again, I am committing to creating a routine that fits into my lifestyle and promotes health and well-being. I also battle depression and anxiety, so I will focus on foods that fight that battle for me.
Please keep an eye out for my weekly blogs that will drop every Friday afternoon at www.kingryanradio.net. They will be about my own personal life including health and wellness, entertainment, finances, and ideas on how to give back to our communities. I plan to check in monthly with a blog about my weight loss journey so you Kings and Queens can hold me accountable I hope you will join me if you need to.
If I cannot take control of myself, how can I ever hope to help those around me? I am the King of my own universe and it's up to me to care for those around me! It is my desire to do all the good that I can for as long as I can and to help as many people as I can. Staying healthy will allow me to do just that. I will stay healthy by sticking to the plan that I outlined above and adhering to the principles found here: https://www.kingryanradio.net/post/king-ryan-radio-believes-in-karma Thanks to the Kings and Queens who stopped in and read this. If you ever have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to comment below or email us at info@kingryanradio.net. I hope this blog helps you or someone you love and be sure to make it a fabulous day!
Update Sunday 10/23/22
As part of my routine and an attempt to hold myself accountable I have began a good journal. I notate the date, time, and food consumed like a log. I also track my excersize through my Samsung Galaxy 4 watch and app. Since I do not always sleep well, I am looking into applications and routines that lead to better sleep. Do you have any advice for me on any of these things? If so, please comment below!
